Velux or Skye Roof blinds are unusual, as they are generally priced by Velux window codes, rather than a measured width/drop which is usually what Once uses to generate prices.
However, we have developed a method to auto-price skylight blinds by setting them up as an Extra. If you would like us to send you an .onz file that you can import straight into your Once Setup tool, that contains our example data for Velux or Skye Roof blinds, please email Support
When you have imported the .onz file, the below steps explain how to use the data in Once Mobile, as it differs from other products priced by width/drop.
In this example we'll price a Velux Pleated Blind.
- In Once Mobile, unlike for other products, you need to leave the width and drop fields blank as we get the price from the Velux window code.
- On the Edit Product and fabrics screen, first choose Velux Pleated blinds in the Product field
- Now choose Velux as the supplier.
- In the Range field you will see 4 options, in this example choose Electric – Price Group 1. It is at this point that you choose whether a product is price group 1 or 2 (we can’t use Once’s traditional price bands as they are based on width and drop).
- You will see that after choosing Electric – Price Group 1, the Colour field is populated with the letter C. This is to tell you which band to pick in the Codes extras box to get the right price.
- So now go to the Codes box on the top right and you will see a list of all of the Velux codes, but with a ‘band X’ next to them. If you were selling a blind for an MK06 window, you would need to scroll down to the option for MK06 that also states it is band C, as that is what Electric – Price group 1 blinds are priced as, i.e. MK06/M06/306 Band C
- The price for the blind will appear in the Total field.
- You can also add in any of the Velux accessories using the 2nd extras group 'Velux Acccessories'