Reducing the risk of Once emails being classified as spam

The From address

In Once Setup we strongly suggest you leave the "From email address" on the Mobile setting to a empty field.  Once Mobile will then create a From email that won't be rejected.  

Email systems require the From email domain to be the same as the actual sending domain which for Once is "".  Once will construct a valid From email which includes the business name e.g.

Once Blinds Ltd <>

In most email clients the email will show as being from Once Blinds Ltd.

As the email will have the Reply-to email set to you actual business email, or the Reply-To email you have specified in Once Setup, then when the customer replies it will use the Reply-To email address.

The Reply-To address

The Reply-To address is used when replying to an email instead of using the From address. If you do not set this in Once Setup then the email for receiving orders is used.

What if the recipient sends an email to the From address?

If a customer sends an email to the constructed email e.g., then they will receive as non-delivery report indicating an error and that the email does not exist. The actual error report depends on their email system.

Normally they should not use the From email as clicking Reply will use the Reply-To email.