If you get a new computer to run Once Setup on, you need to install Once Setup then copy the data from the cloud to restore your data,
- Download and install Once Setup on your new computer from one of these links.
Click here to download: Once Setup for a Windows PCClick here to download: Once Setup for an Apple Mac
(If you get a Windows Protected Your PC message, click More Info then Run Anyway.) - After installing and filling in the Once Account details, do not click upload but select the tools menu Download your last uploaded Settings, followed by Download your last uploaded Product Data. This will download all your data from the cloud.
You can also install your product data from a backup of your data on the old computer. Using the File menu, Export Catalogue... on your old computer will create a backup file (.onz file). Copy this file to the new computer where you can use the File menu, Import Catalogue... to import the product data from this file.