What can you restore yourself?

  1. Once Mobile devices
    • Single orders that you may have accidentally deleted or have exceeded the number of days to keep o the device (controlled by Once Setup) 
      From settings screen of Once Mobile you a can enable the checkbox "Show a backup orders column on the View orders screen". This column will show the local device backup of orders, generally used in case you accidentally deleted an order.

    • All orders from the most recent cloud backup. 
      Typically used when you have a new device or have re-installed the app on a tablet. You can restore all the orders for your Once Mobile user ID.

      Usually once per day (see below for details), a complete backup of all orders in Once Mobile is uploaded to the cloud. The "Restore Orders from the cloud" command on the Settings screen will show the date and time of the last backup. You can restore this to your device. Note that this will overwrite any existing order with the same order reference, but any new orders created on your device since the backup will remain. If you are moving your user to a new device, you should manually run the "Backup orders in the cloud..." so you have the latest data in the backup that can restore on the new device.

  2. Once Setup data - used when installing Once Setup on new PC or for syncing data between multiple PCs.
    From the Tools Menu, you have the commands:
    Download your last uploaded settings...
    Download your last uploaded product data...

    Downloading the settings data will overwrite your existing settings. This includes your quote and worksheet templates, logo, account data, email addresses and the mobile device settings.

    When downloading the product data, a tree-view of all your products and prices that are in the cloud data will be displayed and at the top of the dialog is the date and time it was uploaded.

    Note that can also use the File menus. Export Catalogue and Import Catalogue to save and restore your own backups as local files on your PC. From the displayed tree-views you can always select what parts pf your data you want to save or restore.

  3. Appointments in Once Time or Once Track
    The History menu available from the top right menu button of the calendar page shows a list of all changes to appointments in the local backup of this device. You can find as select what version you want to restore.
    The blue characters in the second column indicate the reason for the change (e.g. New, Updated, Deleted etc)

What data can Once Support recover for you?

We save a daily archive of all your data in the cloud for recovery purposes.  The archive is run every day at midnight and are kept for at least 4 months, after that time only backups taken on the 1st and 15th of each month are stored for at least a year. These archives enable Once Support to provide you with data to restore your Once Mobile devices or to import into Once Track.

Please contact us with details of what you want to restore from our archives. Ideally the Order Ref number and the Once user ID of the device but we may also be able find orders based on the customer's name or address. 

Once Setup Data

Your product and price data uploaded by Once Setup.  We can send you an archived "onz" file that you can import into Once Setup in the same way as any other Once catalogues data.

Once Mobile Data

Backups of the orders on your Once Mobile devices can be copied to your current device data in the cloud so you can restore a tablet as described in 1, above, but that may not be what you want to get data from past orders.  In this case you can use Once Track menu option "Import from Once Mobile backups" to extract the Sent quotes and orders from a zipfile of one or more device backups that we can send you.

These backups contain all your quotes and orders as displayed on the View Orders screen of Once Mobile.  Once Track will only import the Sent quotes and Orders but orders in the other columns of the Once Mobile View Orders can be manually extracted from the zip.

The contents of the zip files are the internal files for each of your orders and have the same name as the order ref. You cannot (easily) read the contents of each order file but they can be manually imported into Once Mobile or Once Track by drag and drop onto the app.

Once Appointments from Once Time or Once Track

Using the History feature on the Once calendar you can find and restore individual appointments from the snapshots taken when an appointment was created, edited or deleted. The History is a log of that changes seen on that device so will differ between devices depending on whether an appointment was edited on the local device or on a different device and he changed applied by synchronising.

Although we have daily archives of your appointments taken from the cloud, it is not possible to find and restore single or selected appointments from these backups.  They can only be used to restore a "snapshot" of all the appointments saved at the time of the backup. A restore won't remove new appointments made since the backup.

When does Once Mobile backup its data?

Once Mobile will upload a backup of all Once data on the device (tablet or PC) to our cloud servers usually at least once every day while you are using Once Mobile. 

This happens when all the following are true.

  1. You have opened the Home screen which triggers the upload check.
  2. It is more that 7 hours since the previous backup.
  3. You have an active internet connection.