Sell before you arrive!
Including links to documents such as PDFs, web pages or videos in OnceTime customer emails is a major sales advantage.
- Customer will click on your product links for information rather than finding competitors or online sellers.
- Make your first customer communication look more professional.
Inform customers of the quality and range of your products and services before your visit.
- Help customer make their selection in advance or your visit, reducing sales time.
- Promote higher value or new products that they may not be aware of.
- Reduce demands on your sales staff.
Supplier Document Links
Document links can be made available by suppliers e.g. Louvolite
Please contact your supplier to enquire about Once Time document links or ask that they contact Once Connected to make them available.
What is required?
Once Connected will require the following data in a csv file to make document links available to your Once Time account. Send the csv file to and we will install it for your account and also check that it has the correct contents.,
- A short description to allow selection within Once Time.
- Banner shaped images up to 600px in width and up to about 300px high for each document link in the email.
- The URL of the web server location where the document (web page, pdf, video etc) is hosted
Example csv contents:
Roller Blinds,,
Vertical Blinds,,
Example csv contents with a root row (see below)
Roller Blinds,roller-blinds.jpg,roller-blinds-brochure.pdf
Vertical Blinds,vertical-blinds.jpg,vertical-blinds-brochure.pdf
You can download these example csv files from the links below.
The row beginning root is optional but it defines the common HTTP folders where the images and the documents are located so only the filenames are required for the URLs in the following lines.
In the other rows, the comma separated items are:
- The text displayed in Once Time for selecting the link to be added to the email.
- The image URL inserted in the email. The image should ideally be 600px wide and up to 300px high and hosted on your web site. The images should all be the same size.
- The URL to the location that is opened when the image is clicked.
For reliable email delivery and display on many different email clients the images should be in ,jpg or .png format (jpg is preferred). The links can be web pages but you should ensure they display correctly on different browsers and devices from Mobile phones through to desktop PCs.
Ensuring that emails and links within them are valid, always display correctly and are not rejected as spam is critical. If they are rejected then it will affect the email reputation of your business and all emails delivered through our service, hence the need for us to validate the images and links.
If you don't have suitable web servers to host the images or documents, then we can assist by hosting them on our very fast and reliable cloud servers. There may be a small charge for this.