Sending emails via your email system using Once Track.
UPDATE May 2024: Due to increasing security requirements by Gmail, Microsoft 365, and other email services, this can be very challenging to setup in your email account (see below). Once support is unable to provide guidance as this is outside what we can control.
By default, emails will be sent via the Once email system. This is a fast and reliable way to send emails but there are advantages to using your own email system as described below.
Your Email System | Once Email System |
Advantages | |
Disadvantages: | |
Configuring the SMTP Connection Properties in Once Track
Under the Settings on the Once Track Orders screen is an option for SMTP Connection Settings. This includes a checkbox to enable or disable this feature.
An internet search for "SMTP settings" will return numerous articles about SMTP settings for different email service providers, or you can contact your email provider for guidance. Due to increasing security restrictions it can be challenging to enable the Once SMTP login and mail transfer to be allowed by the service provider.
Note that if using gmail you will probably need to setup an App Password. Search for "gmail SMTP app password" or see this article:
This feature uses the Open Source library: SmtpClient-for-Qt released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The source code for this library is available from the github repository SmtpClient-for-Qt.
Under the terms of the licence, you can change and compile your own version of this library to replace the version delivered with the product.
On a Windows x64 platform the library is SMTPEmail.dll found under the Once Track application installation folder %appdata%\OnceTime.