Two powerful Once Track features are:
- Automatically setting due dates on your orders.
- Automatically creating supplier orders for ready-made products.
The due days and supplier for each type of product you sell are easily identified using text in the product and or Ranges name. For instance you can say anything with "vertical" in the product name has a due days of 10 days, and is supplied by Decora.
Settings the Due Days and Suppliers for each type of item in your catalogue.
In the Once Track Settings -> Due Days and Suppliers, you can set the due days and supplier for each type of item you sell, where the item type is identified by text found in the Product and Ranges names. You don't need to set exact text matched but only enough to identify the product type such as matching every product with "vertical" in the product name.
The Product and Ranges names are created in Once Setup.
(Note that in the display, the text in the Product and Ranges sections are separated by a vertical bar "|" character.)
Product text | Ranges text | Due Days | Supplier | Meaning |
Roller | 14 | Acme Trade Blinds | Any product with the text "roller" in the product name will have a due days of 14 and will Supplied by Acme Trade Blinds. e.g. Aquarius 2021 - Roller Louvolite 2022 Roller |
Perfect Fit Roller | 21 | Excel | Any product with the text "perfect fit roller" in the product name will have a due days of 21 and will Supplied by Excel. Note that the longest text is matched first so "perfect fit roller" will match before "roller" |
Intu | 12 | Arena | Any product with the text "intu" in the range name will have a due days of 14 and be supplied by Arena .e.g. "Eclipse 2022 MTM - INTU Roller". |
Vertical | Fabric Box | 10 | Decora | Any product with vertical in the product and and "fabric box" in the ranges name will be supplied by Decora e.g. Product: "Vertical 89" Ranges: "Decora the Fabric Box Vertical" |
Default | 10 | XYZ Blinds | Any item not matched will be supplied by XYZ Blinds with a due days of 10. If you have a supplier (which could be yourself) that makes most of your blinds then you would set that as a the Default supplier. |
- Upper or lower case is ignored.
- The longest text is matched first so 'perfect fit roller' will match before 'roller'.
- If you only set text in the Ranges name then only that field will be used for a match.
- Supplier is who you order read-made blinds/shutters etc from, not the name of the fabric manufacturer.
- If there is no match for a product item then the Default supplier and due days are used.
This means if most of your products are made by the Default supplier then you only need entries to match items from other suppliers.
Creating purchase orders
Purchase Orders can be generated from a single Once order (shown as a job card in Once Track) or a One Track column of multiple cards/orders (click on the Column menu "Show all jobs and items in this column").
One track will scan through every items in the orders and display a purchase order document for each supplier by matching the rules set above.
To send this to the supplier you need to press the "Copy to Clipboard" then paste it into an email you start from your own email system. This means you have full control over the contents and can amend it or add additional information in your email. On sending you will have a copy in your Sent folder and will also get notifications of delivery failures.
Contact Once Support for sending supplier emails directly via your own email system (See: Sending email via your own email system).
After sending the supplier emails you can set the Item status checkboxes to indicate all items have been Ordered by clicking the symbol (e.g the basket).
Meaning of the terms used in this article.
A blind, shutter, curtain etc in a Once order. Each item has a Product name and Ranges name defined in Once Setup that show as the first two selection lists on the Product screen of Once Mobile. One or both of these fields are used to find Due Days and Supplier for each item
Due Days
Used to indicate when a Once order should be ready for fitting. It is initially set when a confirmed order is received into Once Track based on the longest due days for each item in the order. The display colour changes to orange when 7 days remain (configurable), red if it is overdue and green when the order has been completed.
A manufacturer that you purchase items from. You will also be a supplier if you manufacture. You add or edit suppliers from the Settings menu, Suppliers and Delivery Addresses. When Supplier Purchase orders are created for one, or a column of orders in Once Track, then items are automatically assigned to the supplier based on the rules below.