Please Contact Once Support for a demo or trial of Once Track
Using Once Track for the first time
- Add or Edit Columns
On the Once Track Orders screen, Click on the Settings, from the top-right menu then, Edit the columns. You can add new columns and change the order they appear. E.g. you may add "Ordered", "In-Progress" or "Ready columns". Note that the more columns you have the more overhead you have moving orders between columns.
It is best to ensure all your Once Track installations have synced to show the same columns before moving orders to new columns.
Incoming Once orders from Once Mobile are automatically moved to, Quote or Confirmed columns depending on the status of the order sent from Once Mobile. - Add your Suppliers
From the Once Track Orders screen, Settings, you can add your suppliers. If you manufacture products then you will be an internal supplier for those products, and fabrication worksheets can be created. For external suppliers, purchase orders can be created for the products you buy from these suppliers.
The Settings menu, "Due dates and product suppliers" is used to assign product types to suppliers. - Set Due Dates and Product Suppliers
The Settings menu, Due dates and product suppliers is used to assign product types to suppliers and set the Due days. The Due Days is used to automatically (or manually) set a due date for each order. This is the date when an order should be ready for fitting or completion. The colour of the Due Date on each order changes to amber when it it within 7 days and red when the order is overdue. The due date will be automatically applied to new confirmed orders so you can clearly see orders that are overdue or should be nearing completion.
For details see the article: Due Dates and Suppliers - Fabrication Worksheets and cutting formulas
If you manufacture, you can create fabrication instructions with the detailed cutting sizes and other data for making the product.
See: Fabrication Instructions - Automatically sending Orders from Once Mobile to Once Track
Open Once Setup on your PC or Mac. From the Application Settings dialog, Local Settings, set the checkbox to Copy sent orders to Once Track then click the Cloud upload (or Tools menu, Upload Settings). On your Once Mobile devices you will need to download the change either by running "Check for new data" on the settings screen or clicking Yes to the notification of downloading new settings. This value will be set by Once Track the first time you run it. If you stop using Once Track you should turn off this checkbox.If you do not have this checkbox available, download the latest version of Once Setup from:
Click here to download: Once Setup for a Windows PC
Click here to download: Once Setup for an Apple Mac
- Explore the features by clicking on the menu buttons.
The features of Once Track are mainly available from the Menu buttons on the lists and cards. Exploring these will show what can be done using Once Track
- Importing Previous Orders into Once Track (for existing Once users)
You can drag-and-drop Once Order files onto Once Track. These are the ".once" attachments to the emails sent to your business from Once Mobile. You may have to first save them to local disk from your email system.
Please contact Once Support if you want to populate Once Track with orders from our backup archives. - Setting up your Staff Calendars
If you are already using Once Time, then Once Track will use the same calendar settings. If not, you first need to create your Business details and Staff calendars from the Calendar Setting screen.
Release History
Only important new versions are notified via a popup in the app requesting you to update. The latest published version is available from our downloads page or contact support.
1.0.7 July 2024
- Reports can contain VAT amount and the number of slats in each item (see Reports)
- Displayed due date now updates correctly on sync when changed by another user.
- Worksheets created from Once Track, when showing a price summary will include the correct total price.
1.0.2 May 2024
- Initial support for Direct Ordering from Buroshade - contact support to enable this for your account.
- The purchase order number, date and supplier can be added to each item ordered on completing a supplier purchase order.
- Fix for the confirmed date in some orders not being recognised for reporting and display.
- New Edit Dates card menu option.
- Created, Quoted and Confirmed dates are shown on the Customer tab in the left-hand order details pane.
- Report settings are now saved per Report template rather than for all templates.
- When renaming a template, it now removes the old template name.
- Changes for creating supplier POs from the app.
0.9.5 Feb 2024
- The "distance to nearest appointment" is now displayed when a calendar entry is created from a Once Track card and the address lookup contained a house number.
0.9.5 3 Jan 2024
- Fabrication worksheet for printing are limited to the products checked in the LHS column (same as Label printing).
- Fix to the payments reporting when using "Payment N Date/Amount/Method/Notes" where N is 1-4.
- Addresses for Supplier and Delivery addresses are now on separate tabs,
- You can add different pre-set percentage payments of the outstanding balance in the payment dialog.
- Reports on Items/Blinds in orders can now include the extras. (See: Using the Report Template Editor)
- When copying an order for a new quote previous payments data is cleared.
0.9.3 22 Nov 2023
Added a "New Enquiry.." menu option to the job card menu and archive card menu. This creates a new enquiry for the customer.
0.9.3 2 Nov 2023
This is a major update that changes how payments are entered and stored. It also allows changing the rules for which columns incoming orders from Once Mobile are placed in.
Payments Changes:
- You can now enter any number of payments in the Payments dialog instead of just a deposit and final payment.
Each payment has 4 fields: date, amount, payment method and notes (where you can enter a payment reference or other information). - The Order Editor now does not support adding or changing of payments.
- Report templates can include columns for the 4 new payment fields; payment date, payment amount, payment method, and payment notes.
- Reports have a new "Applies to" date selection, where you select the type of date the date range will apply to.
- If you select Applies to "Payment Dates", then you will get a line in the report for each payment made in the selected date range. For other Applies to date types, then if you have multiple payments in an order, these will be grouped into the same cell for each payment field.
Compatibility with Payments in Once Mobile and Existing Once Track orders.
Previously, Once supported just 2 payments in an order, a deposit and a final payment when paid in full. There is now the new list of payments that has more information. These two different ways of recording payments need to be kept in step.
Until Once Mobile is changed to support this new form of payments, the following applies both for orders received from Once Mobile and Once Track orders pre 0.9.x
- Any deposit in an order is copied to the first payment in the new payments list.
- Any final payment is copied to the last payment in the new payments list.
Copying a Once Track order with a payments list to Once Mobile and for confirmed order documents.
- If the order is not fully paid, the sum of all new style payments is copied to the "deposit value".
- If the order is fully paid, the sum of new style payments except the last is copied to the "deposit value" and the order if marked "paid in full".
Avoiding potential payment compatibility issues
- Never change any existing deposit in Once Mobile after the order has been sent to or edited in Once Track.
- Never change an order marked "paid in full" to not paid in Once Mobile after the order has been sent to or edited in Once Track. If you do need to make changes to previous payments this must be done in Once Track.
If Once Track does receive an order from Once Mobile where there is an inconsistency in the different payment values, then it will show a warning and you will need to open the payments dialogue to correct the problem.
Column Placement Rules
A new Settings menu on the Orders screen to set which columns orders Sent from Once Mobile are placed in.
The default in this release is to move both Confirmed orders and Receipts (Fully paid) orders into the Confirmed column instead of moving Receipts (fully paid) into the Paid/Receipts column.
You can change the column placement rules to the pre 0.9 release rules.
New Once Track accounts will no longer include a Paid column (although you can add one).
- Additional protection to ensure a new card order ref number is always unique.
Release 0.8.12 (12 July 2023)
- Support for "Send to EDI" from the Payment dialog for customers with their own blindata system.
Release 0.8.11 (7 July 2023)
- Fix for sending Email to both accounts and business that also send to customer.
Release 0.8.10 (6 July 2023)
- New Column menu for moving all cards in a column.
Release 0.8.9 (5 July 2023)
- Fix for adding new columns.
- Fix for adding and changing extras in the Order Editor
Release 0.8.7 (29 June 2023)
- Fix for the Order Editor not opening on some orders.
Release 0.8.6 (28 June 2023)
- Fix to prevent confirmed orders being moved back into the Confirmed column when updated by Once Mobile. e.g. as a result of a fitting. This applies if the Once Mobile option "Queue Sent orders for processing by Once Track" is set to Yes (true) in Once Setup.
- You can drag and drop Once order files onto Once Track e.g. from an email attachment. You may have to save the files to your local disk first if you are using a browser email client such as gmail.