- You can now search in drop-down list boxes by clicking the search button
This is useful for long list of products, ranges or extras where as you type in the search box a list of matching entries will show. You can click to select or use the keyboard arrow keys and press enter.
- On iOS, if you have not enabled permission for the app to access bluetooth, a warning is displayed.
- A new Once Setup, Mobile Settings option has been added to enable the customer's name to be include in the filenames of attachment to the worksheet email. Contact Once support if you want to use this feature.
- You can enable or disable permanently saving any entries manually added to the selection lists using the "add..." feature. e.g. adding a new product, range or colour. When they are added to the "manually added products" database they will be added to the end of the list
- Changes to improve inter-working with Once Track.
Downloading Once Mobile
If you are viewing this in Once Mobile, click the button at the top right to download the following from an external web browser:
For the Tablet versions search for Once Mobile in the Apple App store or in the apps of Google Play.
Or use the following links:
Click here to download: Once Mobile for a Windows PC
Click here to download: Once Mobile for an Apple Mac
(Internal only)
Changes in 3.5.4 for Once Track:
- If the settings value "usejbs_b=false" is set. Once Mobile will upload sent orders directly into the OnceTrack bucket and account after merging with any existing order with the same order number. If the value is true (the default) then orders will be queued in an S3 folder for collection by Once Track.
This will prevent the risk of multiple OnceTracks trying to process the orders queued in the original jbs folder in S3. This is possibly the reason for jobs being "moved back" to the quote/confirmed list after moving to another list as reported by A1 blinds and
The default behaviour is the orginal "usejbs_b =true" so we can enable it onlly for user that have reported the above issue, and it may not be the solution anyway. - The OnceTrack account name can be different to the Once mobile account using the once mobile setting
otaccount_s. (As OnceTime/Track can copy Once orders to different Once accounts, it needs the reverse action). This is for any potential future requirement and is not currently needed. - Each blind in an order now has a unique itemID saved in the json order file. This is for future Once Track requirements.